8 Movies To Look Out For In February (2016)

Trumbo – February 5th


Breaking Bad actor Bryan Cranston stars in this biographical drama following the life of Hollywood screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, who due to his membership of the Communist Party in the USA is subpoenaed to testify before Congress about Communist propaganda in the film industry. The film shows Trumbo‘s struggle through difficult circumstances that arise from his continued belief in Liberal values, which sees him serve a prison sentence, and has a big impact on his finances and his family life. As time moves on the Hollywood Blacklist, comprised of the names of those suspected to support Communist ideas, becomes less of a threat, as (then) President John F. Kennedy publicly endorses Trumbo and his famous work on the film Spartacus.

Trumbo is directed by Jay Roach (Meet the Fockers, Game Change) and stars Diane Lane, Helen Mirren, Louis C.K., Elle Fanning, John Goodman, Michael Stuhlbarg and the aforementioned Bryan Cranston who soars in this incredible performance which is undoubtedly a highlight of the 59 year-old’s career.


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